5 Surprising Uses for Orange Peel Powder You Haven’t Tried Yet

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5 Surprising Uses for Orange Peel Powder You Haven’t Tried Yet

Orange peel powder does way more than flavour recipes and freshen up a home. In fact, it comes with several advantages for beauty and personal care. Being a natural ingredient, it is imbued with antioxidants and vitamins that will make your skincare and hair care advance in many ways. Here are five great uses of orange peel powder that you have probably never tried.
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Table of Contents

  • Exfoliating Scrub
  • Brightening Face Mask
  • Hair Treatment
  • Skin Brightening Toner
  • Under-Eye Brightener
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ’s

1. Scrubbing Exfoliator

Why It Works
Orange peel powder is an awesome exfoliant in texture. It works by basically removing dead skin cells off your skin to give you a smooth and brighter complexion.
How to Use
Mix 2 tbsp of orange peel powder with 1 tbsp of coconut oil or honey. Massage onto your face in gentle, small, circular motion, then wash off with warm water. The effect of this will remove the dead cells and freshen up the skin.

2. Whitening Face Mask

Why It Works
Orange peel powder contains Vitamin C. It will make the skin shine and less dull. It is a perfect mask for making the skin tone even.
How to Use
Two tablespoons of orange peel powder can easily blend with the same amount of yogurt or aloe vera pulp. Before rinsing away, apply this mixture to your face for about 10-15 mins. Upon using this mask, you will observe a glowing and refreshed skin tone.

3. Hair Treatment

Why It Works
Orange peel powder regulates excessive oil in the scalp and therefore dandruff, promoting a healthier scalp environment.
How to Use
Take a couple of spoons filled with powdered peel from an orange and mix them with other two spoons filled with freshly prepared yogurt. Spread this mixture evenly on both your scalp and hair for around twenty minutes before washing it off with warm water. By doing so, you will clean and refresh your head skin and hair at the same time.
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4. Skin Brightening Toner

Why It Works
Orange peel powder comprises a good amount of vitamin C, suitable for toning and brightening your skin.
How to Use
Mix 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder with 1 cup of distilled water. Strain and then tone the skin with a soaked cotton pad after cleansing. This toner will help even out your skin tone and reduce dullness.

5. Under-Eye Brightener

Why It Works
Antioxidants in orange peel powder reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.
How to Use
The mixture should consist of one teaspoonful of orange peel powder and the same amount of cucumber juice or almond oil. After that, it is advisable to rub this cream into the under-eye area softly for about 10 minutes. Wipe off with a wet cloth. The skin around your eyes will become brighter and fresher with this treatment.


Orange peel powder has several unexpected uses in the beauty and personal care realm. From exfoliating scrubs and brightening masks to life-injecting hair and eye treatments, the list goes beyond your imagination. You can make use of these uses to explore how this powder from nature would work in bringing good vigor to your skin care and routine personal care.

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  • How frequently can orange peel powder be applied on the skin?
Generally, scrubs and masks containing orange peel powder can be performed once or twice a week for healthy skin and for not over scrubbing of skin.
  • Does orange peel powder sensitise?
Generally, yes, but just try the patch test to save yourself from irritation just in case your skin is sensitive.
  • Does orange peel powder help in controlling acne?
Yes, as the exfoliated powder does not allow the pores to clog, causing a reduction in acne.
  • How should I store the orange peel powder?
Store it in an airtight container at room temperature.
  • Can orange peel powder be used on colored hair?
Yes, it is safe on colored hair, very good for scalp problems, and does nothing to the color of your hair.

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